Where did the voices in my head come from? As to why it is so difficult for me to stop them from speaking? When you’re alone, do you find that your inner voice judges you a lot?
My inner voice’s characteristics
My head voice won’t go away when I try turning it off. Why?
People’s minds have evolved into beings that constantly describe, compare, and judge.
Due to a lack of awareness, I didn’t notice that everything was so busy all the time. As soon as I noticed that it was me thinking, I assumed that the busyness was due to me. I did not interpret the way I thought as judgmental. Rather, I just believed that my opinion was the right one.
For a long time, I did not feel a need to hide my opinions because I was comfortable with them. It was only when I became stressed when I noticed the voice inside my head was a constant source of anxiety, that I realized things were out of balance.
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Which voices are in my head? Can they live on their own?
There is a strong likelihood that all of us engage in some form of mental chatter every now and then for a variety of reasons. People who identify with it, and feel that it represents them, might be different from those who do not. There are those who realize their minds have taken on a life of their own and take action to change them.
Quick Tip: Understanding where the Voice originated and what it is doing in your head is crucial to quiet it. The process will make it easier to let go of any judgments you might have as you come to understand the voice’s origin.
Step 1: Understanding My Inner Voices
Understanding that the voices in your head do you no harm is the first step toward removing self-judgment and chatter in your head. Self-criticism may be its source, but its intent was never to provoke unkind remarks. Originally, it was developed to provide emotional safety and happiness to us. We usually presume that it is protecting us.
With the merging of memory and logic, a young mind begins to develop its own inner voice.
Example 1: Voices In My Head
As a species, we existed in the present moment before memory and logic developed when the expression was limited to only desire and action. We used to run outside and play when there was no memory or logic. Before there was memory or logic, we would simply run outside and play. Later, mom may tell us to put away our toys, but we might still run outside to play. After some time, we could recall our mom berating us about not cleaning up after ourselves.
With logic, one can see the cause and link it with the result of punishment that is painful. A little voice in our head reminded us one day we had to pick up these toys when we were playing outside. That was the Voice telling us we could avoid punishment by being logical.
Example 2:
When we have been punished or felt unpleasant, it can be hard to forget an agreement that we should have picked up our toys. The Voice taught us how to be happy and reminded us what to do. Also, the Voice stored all its suggestions in our memory for later recall to us.
The Voice taught us to follow its guidelines if we didn’t want to be punished for breaking others’ rules. However, the Voice echoed a past rule that explained what would cause pain in the future. As a result, our thoughts always dwell on the past and project assumptions about the future. Thus, we are unable to truly experience the present.
Example 3:Voices In My Head
In addition, The Voice suggests a few things we can do in order to gain attention and affection: “I should…stay in line, get good grades, eat my vegetables, and clean up my room.” If you do these things, you will be liked, accepted, and loved by your peers. You will be happy if you do these things. The Voice echoed all the right rules based on the punishments and rewards he had stored in his memory.
As children, we trusted our inner voice more than anyone else because we believed adults were unpredictable. Our parents, no matter how much they loved us, were not always trustworthy; if we acted badly, they would punish us as well. It is possible that we may have been led to believe that our parents were not trustworthy by the blame and punishment aimed at our brother. The voice in our heads guided us to emotional safety in an environment where bigger people could punish us and rob us of our rewards.
Step 2: Understanding how you create voices in your head
The Voice in our Head is a result of memory built with rules. The Voice was something we trusted in an uncertain world and we placed a lot of faith in it. Suddenly, it was as if a spiritual person were speaking to us in our minds telling us what to do. The choice we made was heavily influenced by it, and we trusted it to be the right one.
With time, the Voice became adept at reading our past and giving interpretations about what we “should ideally have done” and “should not have done.” The Voice gave us advice about our future and what we “should do,” and “should be” based on our own logic and reasoning.
Evidence was drawn from every memory. As we grow older, the voice becomes like our own when it is only a memory that has come to life. Sometimes we mistakenly believe we are standing on the shoulders of our Self when we trust the voice from memory. Our identity is lost when we follow rules our parents and grandparents imposed on us, as well as imitate rules from the past.
Voices of the future in my head| Voices In My Head
As we age, if we continue with this type of approach, we will face problems. Our emotional health was determined by how others reacted to us as children. As we grew older, people no longer punished and rewarded us in the same way, or at all, based on the rewards and punishments they gave us.
Our efforts would be appreciated by no one, and we would not be rewarded. On the other hand, we can feel nervous or fearful that someone will not like us if we don’t please them. Our curiosity about others’ perceptions is a clue to our past patterns. In the past, the rules of “should” served to please others.
The Problem of Faulty Logic and Illusions in the Mind
Many of the rules in the mind were also based on false assumptions, which causes problems. We might find Mom snapping at us when we ask for something because she is upset about something else. We incorrectly assume that we made a mistake and store the false belief in memory that we shouldn’t have asked for what we wanted.
In the end, mom may win, since she is kind and she wants to say yes to our request, but she will not give us the pony we have asked for. We are hurt when we believe that asking for things we want will only lead to pain. Our logic is distorted when we believe, “Asking for what I want only hurts me.”
Step 3: My head makes assumptions when I don’t listen to it
As a result, the mind wrongly assumes we caused the problem. Despite its emotional attachment, it did not recognize the expectations of keeping a pony, nor was it aware of the practical side of keeping a pony. These understandings could not be included in The Voice. Rather than noticing that we asked, it assumed everything was about us. Memory stored that rule for us to follow since the Voice said, “she shouldn’t be this way.”
When we broke our hearts, the Voice would make rules to prevent us from getting hurt in the future. In order to avoid feeling emotionally hurt, it would declare, “Men are men…” or “women are women.”. Falling in love would result in heartbreak. Its declarations could not be based on truth. Over time, we become scared of expressing our love and requesting what we want due to the rules.
It was at that exact time that neither part of our mind was monitoring it for exaggeration or common sense at that moment. In fact, I believe that we had implicitly trusted its logic of it for many years, so we did not question either its exaggerations or its faulty logic. There was no consideration given to how it might limit our ability to be happy and to make the decisions we want in life.
As we age, we learn to accept harsher and harsher criticism from others. For instance, we might hear things like, “An idiot I am.” or “I should have listened to my own advice.” This harsh treatment is based on the notion that following the rules will prevent injury.
Step 4: The voice in my head criticizes me – what to do
We believe that it is smart to follow the rules of a punishing voice as a way to achieve emotional safety and happiness. We, adults, are sometimes so busy following the rules we forget to question whether they are true. Self-criticism was not limited to any other part of our minds. As long as the voice in our head is there to make us happy, regardless of whether it is true or not, we consider it true.
The Voice has taken on a life of its own as we invested so much of our faith in it. The self-judgment and the chatter are completely disconnected from us. We no longer have a spiritual person that can provide guidance. Our own voices are largely stored in our memory, so we don’t recognize them as separate entities. When we are stressed and unable to sleep because of its chatter, we often don’t see it as a separate being.
Despite the contradictions among its rules, most of us spend our time and energy trying to satisfy them. „I should devote more time to my family” conflicts with „I should focus on advancing my profession.” As a result, “I would like to ask her out,” clashes with the fear of rejection.
With all this confusion in our minds, we forget that all the rules were put in place so that we would be happy. Our spiritual person is so busy yelling doubt and fear that she is hardly able to focus on emotions like love and joy. Most of the time, it tells us what we “should” be doing and what we “shouldn’t” be doing.” At this point, we have fallen into many false beliefs and judgments that are based on fear.
The Spiritual person who Fallen and Our Freedom
For some people, the big crisis comes when they realize they have followed every rule in their mind and are not happy as they had anticipated. Other people may not realize that they are living by false rules even after experiencing a midlife crisis and disillusionment. Maybe you’ll just make some new rules and pick out a new toy or companion instead.
The Voice inside your head doesn’t know how to make you happy, and this is one of the realities you must accept. In the past, it only knew what it stored in its memory about how other people would respond. The past is remembered so we will know how we should have acted to get more positive reactions in the future.
Our brain has a lot of knowledge about what we must do to be accepted by others, but it lacks knowledge about what we must do to accept ourselves. A voice that cannot express joy or love is ineffective.
Step 5: Finally Getting rid of the voices in my head
When we choose not to believe the rules of the mind, we are able to free ourselves from their faulty logic. But the Voice is not easily silenced. In fact, just thinking about being without it can cause fear. Through investing our faith in it for a long time, we made it strong and powerful. It does not seem as if it is stronger than you, even though you usually can’t move it.
In that sense, it is similar to a large tree that has been growing in your garden for a long time now and has grown many roots. Even though you may not be able to clear it away with your hands in one day. You could do it with the right tools and some dedication. Despite appearing stronger for a moment, you have the benefit of time, purpose, and faith as your allies. All you need to do is to add a few tools to make sure the job gets done.
When we get tired of being unhappy, we will challenge the rules. As soon as we stop accepting the illusion of emotional safety that the mind offers. we will let go of it. In order to avoid suffering under its flawed logic, we must be more afraid of being without its illusion of protection than we are of being without its faulty logic.
The faulty logic will eventually crumble when we realize that it is based upon fear. And that we do not want to live in fear any longer. As long as we desire self-freedom from the voice in our heads. We will achieve freedom from the voice we have in our heads.
Quick Reminder: Voices in My Head
A person can achieve emotional integrity and harmony with their mind. Only by being aware, accepting, and forgiving, which the voice in their head does not know how to do. Our happiness in life is largely determined by how we express our own emotions of love. Thus, everything else has little to do with how other people react to us.
Usually, the rules you are taught to follow by the voice in your head are not the ones that direct your heart or tell you to follow your dreams. Unfortunately, this is not the only aspect of our being that we are aware of. There are many other dimensions that can be looked at for guidance. In order to overcome the voice that speaks into our heads and overcome the obstacles in our path to happiness.
Let go of the judgment of the Voices in my head
Your inner voice has been helping you to be happy and successful whether you realize it or not. However, they have been operating according to outdated guidelines that are no longer applicable. There is an intent of this behavior on its side in order to make us happy. However, it has become exaggerated and abusive to the point where its methods are considered abusive.
Understanding the nature of this voice is the first step toward quieting it. The feelings of frustration and rejection that you have toward the spiritual person who has fallen will be let go of by doing this. It helps to break the judgments that you have about that Voice by making the realization that it did the very best that it could.
If you understand that it was never intentionally intended to harm you. Then you can move forward with acceptance and compassion for yourself. You must first accept and cultivate compassion towards yourself. In order to be able to overcome the spiritual person who has fallen that lives inside your mind.
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