What Is Over-Explaining In Writing

Over-explaining in writing could be the biggest mistake of newbie content writers. Here we will discuss what is over-explaining in writing and how you can overcome this habit.


When you are a newbie, you have started writing articles and blog posts as a learner. When you write an article, you tend to over-explain things, although I always keep an open mind.

What Is Over-Explaining In Writing

Keep in mind. Don’t explain too much.

Readers are smart enough to understand, but still, there is a chance of misunderstanding.

It’s a gut feeling. How can I tell if I am over-explaining things?

How much is excessive? What is the plot’s basic information? One of the biggest problems that a writer should know about is that they come with time and experience.

As a new writer should know, the brief introduction of the term “overexplaining” in writing.

The main issue is that you want to explain everything you have in mind about a particular subject. You feel fascinated with the world you have created. 

Does your reader want to see, enjoy, or grasp everything you know?

Let’s talk about some examples of over-explained phrases.

  • She admitted it so that her younger sister would not have to serve time in prison.
  • He was late for school because he overslept.
  • He wiped away the bloodstain so that no one could notice it.
  • He went to the office after hours to look for his watch.

If you have done your job well, the reader will understand your point about how a person behaves like this. He reacts to a signal, a consequential moment, or an event, and the sudden circumstances force him to behave in a specific way. 

Engagement Is The Key To Success:


Reading has a distinctive flavor and spice. As a passive observer, when you watch television, movies, or dramas, you have a different mindset. But when you come to read a book, it engages you differently. The reader can stop, sit, analyze, and understand it very well.

Okay, I got the picture here. You never want to leave your reader puzzled, confused, and upset due to a lack of information.

Here is a rule of thumb to keep in mind for success:

The Flood Of Descriptions

Sometimes we overwrite the description when there is no such link between it and the action taking place. Do not describe, again and again, a well-explained sentence. 

For Example, What Is Over-Explaining In Writing

Ali, who stood at 6 feet tall with blue eyes and a pale complexion, decided to get admission to Beconhouse International School. His home is well furnished with red tiles and a big swimming pool. Ali shouted at his parents for being late to school on day one.

This is an exaggerated scenario, but you get the idea. There is no necessity to know Alis’ height, house interior, or eye color. There is no need for such a description; it will only be a description dump for your story.

Overflow Of Information 

What Is Over-Explaining In Writing

It’s natural to talk about the character’s background and state of mind with the reader. To provide information in detail or explain what is about to happen. And what happened in the story, or what does it mean?

It is hard to decide how much information is enough. In this way, we over-explain our narrative.

Because the author provides the most comprehensive and concise information possible.

Yet there is a solution to reduce data dumping”

Drop Information Bits By Bits.

Instead of explaining everything at once, good authors withhold information to keep the reader interested, motivated, and hooked. 

It is necessary to keep some drama, mystery, mood, and tension, or at least some basic things.

Drop information bit by bit that will suit your story and content. 

Give the right amount of information at the correct place, and at the correct time. Not too short, not too long.

A short, meaningful, balanced, and understandable story is the demand of your reader. 

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